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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Labour Dispute/ Plant closures

Inneractive Security and its senior management, For years have been  called upon to assist and provide the necessary manpower to staff security and temporary work forces during  strikes. Inneractive Security has worked diligently with many organizations and their security teams to ensure the project is managed professionally and safely and that the business remains  open and operational.
Inneractives Labour Dispute and plant closure division offers:

labour disputes

•    Strike Management
•    Contingency Planning & Amendment
•    Logistics Scheduling & Transportation
•    Mobile Injunction Teams
•    Evidence Handlers
•    Temporary Staffing
•    Executive Protection
•    Communication Command Centers

Please Contact Us to Receive an Outline of our Pre-Strike Kit including

•    Management Tasks & Timelines
•    Pre-Strike Activities
•    Price/Rate Sheet
•    Site Survey Assessment Form